In many past years, I've reacted by bargaining with myself. I start to list all of the things that I'm going to do differently in the next year. My list of resolutions has probably been fairly average in length and it's typically touched on the types of issues that most of us care about--spending more time with family, living healthier, carving out some time for myself, etc. That the list has remained relatively static isn't a great reflection on my success.
So this year, I've decided not to make any deals with myself save one--to enter the year with an open mind and an overarching aspiration to get more out of life in general. Rather than committing myself to make major changes that work and circumstance are going to actively undermine, I'm going to slow roll it by picking liberally from an eclectic list of small, achievable goals that will enrich my life one nerdy experience at a time:
- Getting Out to Game: Several years ago, my family and I joined a gaming club now attached to our local library. We met a lot of new people in the process, and many of those people make up the core of our friend group today. One of my fondest recollections of those earliest days of the club was going out to a nearby Panera Bread to grab sandwiches and play Resistance right there in the restaurant--allowing us to simultaneously both enjoy and advertise our hobby. With the founder of the club having moved away in the last year, I'd like to step up and initiate more events like this. Maybe a winter week night at one of our many fine pizzerias in some corner booth? Seems doable.
- Nerding It Forward: If you've been reading my blog from the beginning, you know that I've been buying graphic novels on the cheap--usually at comics conventions--to subsequently donate them to our local library. I plan to continue doing so, and have also considered expanding to comics-themed novels. (Shortly after my wife and I married, I read Diane Duane's trio of Spider-Man novels featuring the then-relatively-new character Venom and I'm thinking they would probably still hold up pretty well. While the story is set during a time when Peter Parker is married to Mary Jane Watson, I think it can still be timely given the plot of the enormously successful Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse now in theaters.) But beyond helping to populate our library with the comic arts, I'd also like to expand my efforts through the promotion of other nerdy activities--including bringing classic sci-fi movies to our local community theater. I've already proposed that they screen Forbidden Planet, and I hope to initiate a crowd-funding campaign sometime in 2019 to bank roll the endeavor--ideally as the start of a continuing summer movie series if I can swing it.
- Being More of a Maker: I love the feeling of achievement I get when I make something. It doesn't really matter whether it's something I make with my hands--like sketches--or something I make on the computer--like some of the T-shirt and cellphone case designs I've been marketing on But everything I tend to do in that arena is something of a one-off--not part of a larger whole or strategy. So in keeping with the sentiments mentioned in the bullet below, I'd like to be more methodical and effective in how I use my limited opportunities to express myself creatively.
- Being More Organized About My Social Media: I've been giving it a lot of thought, and I'd like to be more thoughtful about how I schedule and drop posts across the several platforms I traffic--with emphasis on this blog and my Instagram account. I don't have the specifics worked out--again, I'm trying to focus on small steps rather than committing myself to large deliverables--but I do plan to publish a schedule of specific post types that I want to attach to particular days of the week and weeks of the month going forward. I hope that will help to keep me both accountable to myself and also to those of you kind enough to take the time to look at what I have to share.
So how about you? What kinds of things are you hoping to do in the coming year? And how confident are you that those goals are achievable?
Tell me/us about them in the comments section below, and have a great start to 2019!